The main corridor continues to the north, then descends a flight of stairs and passes through a pair of iron doors into a corridor with pictures carved into the walls and an ancient Nord puzzle door at the far end. At the other end of the trapped corridor is a small room containing an unlocked chest on a stone table and an empty bookcase with a lever beside it. Halfway along the passage is another short corridor to the west, with swinging blades and the corpse of an enemy soldier killed by the trap. At the top of the stairs, a third bookcase against the north wall holds more ruined books, while the balcony continues back to the south, with an iron door on the west wall that opens into a wide corridor heading north. You emerge in a room with a stone table and two bookcases on your left holding only ruined books, stairs ascending ahead, and more soldiers to fight. A short way farther along, the passage turns to the south and descends a flight of stairs, then turns back to the west before descending to an iron door that leads to Korvanjund Halls. A matching door to the west on the opposite side of the room leads back into the corridor on the other side of the cave-in. Through the doorway is a semi-circular room with two more soldiers to fight, as well as the first dead draugr to be looted. Returning to the balcony, a corridor west of the top of the stairs has caved in partway along, but a doorway is to the north. Against the east wall at the bottom of the room is a flight of stairs up to an empty chest and a lootable skeleton holding a copy of the Light Armor skill book Jornibret's Last Dance. South of the top of these stairs is an unlocked chest behind a piece of fallen masonry. The stairs down from the balcony are along the west side of the room. Attacking from here will cause all of the enemy soldiers to rush you, leaving the route clear for your companions. This puts you on a balcony at the far end of the room. You can also continue across the room, descending at the other end of the walkway where it has fallen to form a steep ramp down. You can start the attack from this position with ranged magic or a bow, as there are plenty of oil lanterns hanging from the ceiling and oil slicks below you on the ground, with at least one of the soldiers standing in one of the slicks. The passage leads onto a walkway above the room ahead if you are sneaking, you will be able to see several enemy soldiers lying in wait. Directly above the lower doorway is another, which leads to a short flight of ascending stairs, after which the passage staggers east then back to the north. You will pass a novice-locked chest with a random potion and a random empty soul gem beside it. Return to the balcony and follow it east, north, and west around the room. You will be tasked with finding an alternate route, and are promised your allies will come to your aid when they hear fighting. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall at the bottom, where your companions will stop and discuss the possibility of an ambush ahead. Following the balcony to the right, you pass the other end of the previous right-hand caved-in corridor, with a flight of stairs opposite leading down to the bottom of the room. More enemy soldiers are below and along the balcony to your right. Stairs continue down into another room you will enter on a balcony, with the remains of a broken walkway straight ahead. Through the left-hand corridor is a wooden door to the west up a flight of stairs however, the door is barred from the other side, and will be used as a shortcut on your return to the exit later. The stairs then descend to a pair of corridors on the rear wall however, the right-hand corridor has caved in. Partway across the room is a wide flight of ascending stairs stretching across the entire room, where several enemy soldiers wait to attack as soon as they detect you or any of your companions. The doorway opens into a large room that has suffered quite a lot of damage. To the right of the doorway is a cooking spit over a campfire and two bed rolls, and to the left of the doorway is an unlocked chest under a table next to three weapon racks holding a selection of iron weapons. Upon entering, you will be in a small antechamber with a doorway ahead.

There are many urns and burial urns throughout the ruin. The interior is blocked by rubble if you attempt to enter the ruin prior to starting the quest.