Also it goes without saying if your prefab is large enough to need this, there is no chance it will be compatible with vanilla RWG. Yes if you really really want to, you can max out the games view distance with the console command “sg optionsgfxviewdistance 12” this isn’t a great plan, not only will every user have to enter that command every single time they launch the game (If on a server you can force the setting on them xd) it also means they might have to choose between lowering their view distance and deal with the bug, or leave it enabled and get poor performance. Second to last is restricting your prefabs use to the high option, with it set to high you can do 234. With medium you can take your prefab out to 202. (assuming you want your prefab to have a distant mesh, obviously the glitch doesn’t apply if it doesn’t have one 😉 ) If you want to go larger than 169×169 users will have to select the medium view distance option in the video options. If you want to know more on the issues and gotchas with larger prefabs continue reading, if not you can skip to the “other limitations” section.

The sizes are as follows (nothing larger than Medium will spawn in the downtown tiles):Ĭustom – Prefabs larger than 100 x 100 can only be spawned in the wilderness. If you want to spawn a prefab in a vanilla tile it has to be a specific size or it will not get spawned. This bug also depends on the clients view distance video settings, 169 is with it set to low so since that option is the lowest you can go in the options menu, that maximum dimension for x & y has the greatest accessibility for everyone. If you plan to place it manually, 169 is the maximum x & y dimensions while not incurring the distant mesh bug.

Try to aim for no larger than 100×100 if you want it to be compatible with the vanilla tiles and no greater than 200×200 for compatibility with vanilla RWG generator. Size obviously depends on what your building but the smaller it is the easier it will be. While it’s possible to overcome this issue, we’ll just keep things simple. While there is no hard limit as far as I know on width and length (If you don’t plan on using a distant mesh or want to use vanilla RWG* ), there is an issue that occurs with large prefabs with the distant mesh overlaying itself over the prefab while you’re inside it, instead of unloading. The maximum height a prefab can be is 255 blocks/metres high.